Nature: Through Vulnerability

The project explores the relationship between man and the environment through the prism of vulnerability. In the world of technological progress and urbanization, nature, in its pristine beauty and fragility, reminds us of the need for treatment, care and protection. Through harmony and destruction, it is shown how our actions affect the environment, which, despite the consumer’s attitude to it, continues to be a source of inspiration for us, as well as a strong way of life continuity.

I would like to see vulnerability and fragility valued as highly as strength and resilience. And these two aspects we see in nature. It is easily offended, but what is striking is its relentless drive for life and regeneration. If we learn to coexist not only with nature but also with its diversity, if we also learn to give as much to it as we take, it will certainly affect our psychology, both personal and social. I would like us to find what we need in simplicity, to look for philosophical meaning and to reflect, contemplate and see more of what is happening around us. We have learned to create artificial diversity, but do we know how to truly appreciate it? Have we lost the sensitivity within ourselves?

In the middle of a park consumed by people’s daily routine, we find a passageway. The trees, intertwined and reminiscent of the structure of DNA, invite us to take a step forward. Carefully, afraid of disturbing the peace, our hand touches the hard bark of the tree, through which we feel the pulse of the earth and time. We take so much from nature, but do we give so much back?

The flapping of a butterfly’s wing on one hemisphere gives birth to a movement of wind that gently touches my hair. Just as we are made of stardust, of water, of the experience of generations, so we are made of the flap of a butterfly’s wing gently descending on our hand.

I walked through the garden and saw beauty everywhere, and I wanted that beauty for myself. It hadn’t occurred to me that flowers existed simply for that beauty.

A tenderness and fragility that is nourished by eternity. Not by eradicating the fragility of the world, but by nurturing it, we protect the fragility in ourselves as well.

Having roots like those of trees, what nourishes us and gives us stability? What holds us up and gives us opportunities to grow? Where we are and what surrounds us makes a big difference.

Where is my house? Everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I’m like the wind, wandering and seeking rest.

With the best of intentions, we do and give as we know how. This skill, like the art of origami, can be learned by passing on the experience to others.

Pleasant feeling of just being here. Hearing the light whispering of the trees, feeling the peace and tranquility of the space, I draw closer to myself.

maybe I give as much to the world as I get.
but that’s not accurate.